Thursday, December 2, 2010

Question by luckytacs:

How much do you think parenting and environment affects the outcome of a person?

Basically, nature vs. nurture. Like, do you think a psychopath is born or made? Do you think some of the world's finest could have turned out to be serial killers if they'd had a different upbringing?
Also, what kind of parenting do you think constitutes "good parenting" or "bad parenting?"
The person with the most thorough and well thought out answer will get the 10 points.
Kat: "mental illness" covers a whole range of illnesses, some of which are genetic, some of which are environmental, many of which are both.

Best answer:

Answer by kristin
I would love to be thorough but it is 2 am. So all I know is that I was raised in a very violent, Sexually Intense , Drug house. I was beaten every day of my life until I was 17 and finally left. When I left I was a very beaten down young women who had no where to go. I found a wonderful job... Or I should say lucked out on a wonderful job and I supported myself from then on. I believe I am a wonderful person and I always have been despite the environment I grew up in. I have good morals I treat people with respect. I did go through my own little drug phase cause obviously that is all I knew about life. But I always knew I was strong and the drug's only lasted a year of my life. I now have a wonderful boyfriend who sadly has to put up with my constant fears and insecurities and I love him to death. We have a beautiful 1 year old son and I feel that I am the luckiest women on the planet and I wouldn't chang one thing about my life. So no I don't believe a psychopath can be made I believe they chose to be made that way. Life is all about choices and I chose to not become what I was destined to become. I became something much better.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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