Question by Israel Lover â -pray4revival-â : What religion are you, and how do you know that one is truth?
Please do not just claim that it feels right. Every religion feels right to the people in it.
I mean, what proved to you that this is the one, true, guaranteed, truth?
An example of this is....
Muslims and Catholics are do not agree, and are opposites on several things, but both have people that believe in their religion so much that that will kill, and die for it. Both can not be true, so at least one, possibly both, feel right, but are not right.
Disregarding the "feeling right" what proof do you have that your religion is the truth?
Best answer:
Answer by Mute
Im not religious. XD how do you explain animals? They can't just pop up XD
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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